Hulalalala!! Long time no post here and I miss this blog so much :) As you can see at the title above, if you're Twitter user, you're absolutely know that it had been one of the trending topic in Twitter. I really want to make it in my version but I'm afraid I would be a spammer in my Twitter timeline. That's why I choose my blog to express it. Prepare yourself for this one. Let's enjoy! :))
- I was born in Surabaya, the capital city of East Java, Indonesia.
- My mommy almost did caesar surgery to bear me.
- My grandmother from my daddy is a Chinese, she moved from Khong Hu Cu to Moslem.
- My grandfather from my mommy is a noble from Temanggung.
- Everybody who doesn't know me well is guess that I'm a Christian. I'm Moslem :)
- When I was child, I swallowed a bolt and fortunately my parents could take it out.
- When I was child, I'd like to pour the baby powder on my bleeding knee. I know it doesn't help but I'm afraid with Betadine.
- When I was child, a bee was stunk my lips :( It looks sexy now :p
- When I was child, I don't like new people.
- When I was child, I got a road accident and my left ear was bleeding because it torn into apart.
- From that day on, I don't brave to cross the road alone.
- I have a scar on my forehead because of that road accident.
- My favorite songs when I was 5 y/o are Britney Spears' , Backstreet Boys' , Aqua's, Toy Box's and Vengaboy's. Because my mommy bought it and I listened it almost everyday.
- I liked Linkin Park since I was on the 4th grader of elementary school.
- I liked rap music since I was on the 4th grader of elementary school.
- I didn't like girl's stuff when I was child that's why I dressed up like a boy.
- And now, I really like the girl's stuff.
- I wore a sunny when I was on the 6th grader of elementary school.
- I never got the 1st rank in my class when I was on the elementary school, my highest rank on that time is the 2nd rank.
- I finished to read the 5th book of Harry Potter in 2 days when I was on the 5th grader.
- I prefer Rupert Grint to Daniel Radcliffe. But both of them are handsome :)
- My first favorite K-drama is Sassy Girl, Chun Hyang.
- I love at the first sight when I was on the 7th grader at junior high school with that boy. wkwkwkwkwk :D
- My otaku's name is Airi Haninozuka.
- One of my favorite anime's song is Just Communication.
- I have a friend who has a similar face with Kevin Aprilio and he liked me at 6th grader. Wkwkwk :p
- I never have a long hair except when I was on the 8th grader.
- I'm easy to cry.
- My parents gave me handphone when I was on the 4th grader.
- My first-freaky hug from my boy-friend is when I was on the kindergarten, he taught that I'm chubby -____- I was REALLY shock.
- I hate spiders.
- I love seafood.
- I prefer Squidward to SpongeBob.
- My first pet is a cat named Nuno, he was Angora look alike.
- From that day on, I love cat so much.
- My first favorite anime is Card Captor Sakura.
- I still drink a glass of milk until now.
- I always got a carsick when I have a journey.
- I like spicy food.
- My favorite lesson is English but actually I don't really understand the use of grammar.
- I prefer sunny to soft-lens.
- Introvert sometimes.
- Pretending like I'm sick is my habit when I was in the kindergarten.
- According to me, roller coaster is a big mistake.
- I often perform on the stage to show Indonesia traditional dancing when I was child.