Hello everybody :D
Long time no post here and I just feel like blah :p All these college preparations are so tired me up, too many files should be fulfilled on time and so on lah. LOL
Well, it is so waste my time and I don't have enough time to share something here, no inspiration rise on my mind. I just too busy to think about my new college and the Ospek. Ospek is Orientasi Mahasiswa, it's kinda activity which is hold in the beginning of the year os school or college. The activity is about introduction the college environment to all new students. Hmm, I don't wanna discuss it deeper cz today I try to forget that for a while. It gets me frustated *sigh*
Today I just want to share my humble dream *gigling* Uhm, perhaps this is not a humble dream since it needs a bunch of money, hehe. *What is it? Tell me, tell me*
Several years ago, I have ever dreamed about keeping all the wild cats. For some people, it is such an idiot dream, yeah I understand. But for me, it is a fun activity since I love them so much.
I almost forget this dream because of some reasons, but this afternoon I felt the flaming spirit on my mind *hahaha* Why oh why? Today I saw my television and I know there're some girls have the same interest like me and they're purpose it. Yes, they like cat so much and they spend their money to feeding the wild cats. As what I said before, you can't call it a humble dream but this is a precious dream if you could purpose it :p
And now I feel the flare burning my spirit. What do I do? Let me check my condition first :)
a. I don't have a job beside a student
b. High dependancy to my parents about money
c. I know everything needs money
d. I can't earn money in my age now
e. I have to focus on my study to get a better job
Seems it would be useless then I think the solutions :)
a. Manage my monthly-money as wise as possible
b. Keep some money to buy a medium sacks of cat snack
c. Divide it into some boxes, and bring one box in the bag
d. Find the cat on the road? Share a bunch of cat snack and give it to the cat
e. Do it everyday
Wahahaha, I find the solution. You know, I just think of it and I feel so happy right now. Bismillah, I hope I could purpose this humble-but-not-too-humble dream asap, LOL.
Finally I Yelled "RESULT!"
Alhamduillah :D
Big thanks to Allah SWT, my Lord.
Yes!! I passed the SNMPTN 2011. My dream came true and I got a sudden insomnia that night. You know, the announcement was appear on SNMPTN's website on 29th of June at 7 o'clock. Twas a big moment for me and for my family.
Damn! Internet Connection on my home didn't work well, it needed too many times to load the page. I was trying to understand this problem, everybody wanted to know the result at the same time and I just hoped for the best.
30 minutes later, and there was no a progress. *sigh* My father gave the solution, he asked me to go to his office, the internet connection is better than mine.
Together we went there and I felt my heart beat louder.
We were about arrived there then my mommy called my cellphone. *What's on? I hope a good news*
I click the button and be quiet, I heard a noisy on the other side then my mommy spoke loudly on the phone, "You got it!!"
I couldn't believe it then I checked it by my self. Tadaaaaa....

Alhambulillah. RESULT! Taxation Faculty of Brawijaya University. Kyaaaaaa!! :D
Twas an exciting moment on my life. You know, there were so many rivals and alhamdulillah Allah gave what I want. Thank you Allah.
What I have to do know? Let me make a list first :)
a. Don't forget to Allah
b. Just down to earth
c. Completing the requirements
d. Looking for the dormitory asap
e. Preparing all the stuffs of mine
Seems it is too late to share the happiness and I think it doesn't matter :)
Well everybody, HAPPY JULY! :D
Big thanks to Allah SWT, my Lord.
Yes!! I passed the SNMPTN 2011. My dream came true and I got a sudden insomnia that night. You know, the announcement was appear on SNMPTN's website on 29th of June at 7 o'clock. Twas a big moment for me and for my family.
Damn! Internet Connection on my home didn't work well, it needed too many times to load the page. I was trying to understand this problem, everybody wanted to know the result at the same time and I just hoped for the best.
30 minutes later, and there was no a progress. *sigh* My father gave the solution, he asked me to go to his office, the internet connection is better than mine.
Together we went there and I felt my heart beat louder.
We were about arrived there then my mommy called my cellphone. *What's on? I hope a good news*
I click the button and be quiet, I heard a noisy on the other side then my mommy spoke loudly on the phone, "You got it!!"
I couldn't believe it then I checked it by my self. Tadaaaaa....

Alhambulillah. RESULT! Taxation Faculty of Brawijaya University. Kyaaaaaa!! :D
Twas an exciting moment on my life. You know, there were so many rivals and alhamdulillah Allah gave what I want. Thank you Allah.
What I have to do know? Let me make a list first :)
a. Don't forget to Allah
b. Just down to earth
c. Completing the requirements
d. Looking for the dormitory asap
e. Preparing all the stuffs of mine
Seems it is too late to share the happiness and I think it doesn't matter :)
Well everybody, HAPPY JULY! :D
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