Bella is a senior high school student from Taiwan that come to Malang. She is a cute girl with a cute pronouncation. The first time she introduced herself, I thought her name was Pei La. She has a difficulty to say "B" and "P". Maybe it's quite similar for her. Whatever, I also don't have a good pronouncation, esp in Mandarin. Kekeke~
Well, the attendance of Bella is quite surprise us, because nobody knows that she will come. Actually, our event today was Rujak Party with AEC family, celebrating the end of examination, our last gathering event before vacation. Then suddenly Nanda came with Chinese girl. Her name is Bella Mao and she is from Taiwan. Bella was so friendly, she got chummy with AEC family easily. She made a rujak sauce for the first time for us, the taste was so spicy. Good job, Bella! :D
After we took a lot of photos as documentation, we went back to the AEC basecamp with Bella Mao. She taught us Mandarin language and all of us became her students. It's quite difficult to pronounce a word in Mandarin. After that, she started to promote about Taiwan by using the powerpoint. Slide by slide, we took a look on those slides with a high enthusiasm.
Here are some photos of today. I know the first photo is kind of weirdo but I like it. :D
By the way, tomorrow is a Chinese New Year, I know I'm not good at it but "GONG XI FA CAI!!!"
May this year would bring prosperity and good fortune :D