Hello there! Now, I have an interesting stuff to write on my blog. It is about girl world. Well, have you ever feel regret to be a girl? I mean with a lot of reasons like too whine, or maybe you are not beautiful enough to attract the boys so you have to taking many kind of treatments in the salon? Even you let tormented because of them?
Well, it's time to think it again and don't be desperate. You know, we are as the girl can doing or can thinking many kind of something in the same time and the boy does not. Why? Because the girl has a thicker nerve connection between left-side brain and right-side brain than the boy. That's why we can using lipgloss while we are talking on the phone. Just imagine if you are talking with the boy while they are shaving, I bet he would hurts himself :p
Next, if you have a boyfriend already, I guess you know one of their annoying habit in the crowd. Yeah, his annoying habit is taking a look with another beautiful girl in front us, as his girlfriend. Actually, if you want to look at your own self, confess that you do the same thing like them. But, we never get known by him (how lucky we are!). But why? I get the reason from on of the girl magazine B'girl and I pick it up here : "Ternyata ini karena bagian kerucut di retina mata cewek tuh lebih lebar dibandingkan pada mata cowok, sehingga sudut pandang cewek jadi lebih luas."
So, we don't have to turn our head if you see the cute one on the crowd. Hihihi :p
Actually, there are many reasons to emphasize us to be a girl. But I just choose 2 reasons because they are so interesting, and for your information that I got all of this stuff from B'girl with a lil bit changes :) Say thanks to B'girl :D
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