Hah! My blog! I have a blog and long time no visit it, how could I am :( huhu. Just don't blame me anyway readers. There's always a reason behind something and I do too, okay? Seems we've had a deal, kekeke~
Well, I don't really forget my blog anyway, I just don't have a time to make a post here. Look! I don't have a time, I didn't say that I don't have an inspiration or story to share here. Inspiration? Story? I always have those kind of things LOL~
For you to know, eh, just remind you, I am a new student in Brawijaya University :) Yes, you're right! That's my new status, I'm not a high school student anymoreeeeee :D (deep inside my heart, I want my high school time so freakin' bad). Happy? Yeah but............. *there's always but after yeah -__-
As a new student in university, I have to join Ospek first. *For those are who don't know what is Ospek, you can read my previous posting, thanks* There are 4 days for the main Ospek, and it was such a tiring day. That's why, when the last day was come, we were so exited. Then our happiness turn into pieces when the committee said that Ospek would be held during 1 semester. WHAT FUCK THE ??!!
Well, this kind of activity had spent not only our money and energy but also our mental. Just stop torturing us! Why do I said that? In this activity, there are some seniors called DISMA which is stand for DISIPLIN MAHASISWA. They are consist of the chosen seniors, most of them are boys. *are they boyband?* Good question -__- They are not boyband, they are Disma. They always shouted in a harsh manner for every single mistakes that we done. As the name of their group, their aim is to make us more discipline and change our high-school mindset. Well, here is the picture of Disma :D

They use a red badge on their left hand to show their identity that they're Disma. Because most of them are boys, most of new student esp girls are crazy for them, well include me, HA to the HA. But I don't want you to call me as their fans, I just admire them for their charisma :D
Well readers, just stop talking about them. *whyyyyy?* Nothing, just prevent if one of them is stalking my blog right now :p HA to the HA to the HA LMFAO~~~ byeeee :*
Is it enough to show you that my blog still alive?
you should watch me do open mic in last november. i talked about them.. unfortunately no one of their kind come, so the point doesnt get to them.. hahahaha..