Sadly, when I was on junior and high school, I can’t buy them. I like to go to the book store but I only staring on the bookcases, I can’t buy them. Why? No money? Noooo. Well, my parents don’t allow me to buy novel, according to them, novel makes you dull, lazy, and spend money. Oh-well-you-know-parents.
And now I live in different town with my parents, and I’m not escaping. Because my university is located in different town, and I live in the boarding house. Once in a month, my parents give me some money to make me survive in this town. They give me a right to manage the money and it is force me become thrifty. That’s why I prefer a cheap food than junk food, you know the price is totally different. But this effort turn into disaster when it comes to weekend. I always hang out at that time and you can guess what would I do. I went to the mall and entered the heaven (read: book store). I spent my money for the purple book at the first visit. Next weekend, I went to the book store because I wanted to buy Raditya Dika’s new novel, Manusia Setengah Salmon. But I couldn’t get it there, the books were sold out, fyi, all his books are best seller. Okay I was disappointed. I decided to buy another book, the green ones. Well, the purple and the green books are Louise Rennison’s. I love to read her books since I was on junior high school. It’s kind of teenlit.
Still dissapointed, I heard my friend, Sarah, want to go to the Surabaya next weekend for holiday. Chance! I asked her to buy me Manusia Setengah Salmon at there, and she was nodded. Yippie!! Happy? Sure. Guilty? Yeah, a little. Why? It is so sad how I tried to save my money by avoiding expensive food while in another side I spend it for books. Three books in a month. Imagine it! How bad I am : (
Okay, book store is not my destination anymore in the next weekend. Maybe food court..........................
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